Sunday, April 27, 2008

And it was AMAZING!

We took an amazing group of kids to the "Amazing Pizza Machine" for one heck of an amazing birthday party! We decided on a joint party this year because it seemed like natural fit. All of Z&E's friends are also friends with one another. I've said it before and I will say again...we feel blessed to have such a wonderful circle of friends here in Omaha. If it truly takes a "village to raise a child" I'm glad our village is here. The celebration began earlier in the week with the arrival of Grandpa, Grandma & Gigi, Papa. The twins birthday is a special day and we are thankful to share the day with our family. The twins were very excited for the big celebration and it started out with a bang. After school we had our "grand" opening and then quickly raced over to the Pizza Machine. We met up with Cole, Spencer, Easton, Kiley, Mckenna, Katie, Emma and Katherine and so the party begins! The kids were very excited and happy to see their friends. They played games and rode the rides for 45 min. Next, we went to the party room for pizza, presents and cake. We finished up back out on the game floor to spin the big Birthday Wheel. The grand prize is 1000 tickets to redeem at the gift counter. Both kids had a turn to spin and lucky for us they both won! But, not so lucky for me they both picked out lava lamps for their room-purple and orange!

"The Magic wheel", magically every birthday child wins 1000 tickets

Twins have to share most things. So, it's only fair to give them each a chance to blow out the candles and make a wish. It's Z's turn.

Ellie is takes her turn very serious. I hope your wish comes true, Ellie

Bumper cars, the highlight for Zachy.

Avery couldn't get enough of this roller coaster...or her daddy!
Sweet girls, Emma and Kiley
Fun friends, Easton and Spencer


Mama Mia said...

Yes I was good you didn't put Amazing Pizza Machine in your title...I get tons of Googles for that header! Easton loves this place! Thanks for the invite! I love Ellie's wish picture!

doug said...

I enjoyed (almost threw up) the roller coaster, and just couldn't get enough (not) of the bumper cars . . . . but we loved being with the kids for every minute of their Birthday Party . . . LOVE,
Gigi Papa

Anonymous said...

It was fun getting to talk last night, I hope we can do it again soon! What a fun party! Over spring break we went to Pizza Machine on a Tuesday (deal day) had the lunch buffet, stayed so long that we ended up staying for dinner! We love that place.

Jeanne said...

I loved being a part of the twins Birthday and I thought the Amazing Pizza was the perfect answer to a dual party!!!! I agree with Mia Ellie's birthday wish picture is pricless!!! I wonder what she wished for....... Love you all!!! XO, Mom

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Z&E!! I can't believe you're so old! We miss you!