Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I bet you've never...

heard this from your child

"Mom, can I do another chore around the house" (ellie)

You bet. Each morning the kids are in charge of making their beds/ cleaning up their rooms. They also have a job at the dinner. However, Jeff and I felt this summer they could be doing more around the house to help. Now, I am not fooling myself to think this enthusiasm for the new "job list" will last forever. But, it was refreshing to hear.

I bet you've never had to make this sandwich...

The favorite parent ( I won't say names but, his name starts with J) let the kids make this big, crazy, silly, gross, goofy, yucky sandwich. Now mind you, no one planned on eating this sandwich. Ellie wanted to submit an entry to the "icarly" (Disney channel) contest of the the craziest sandwich. Let's hope the bread, frosting, sprinkles, Marshmellows, lemon juice, sugar, skittles, cottage cheese, graham cracker, honey, peanut butter, popcorn, lettuce, tomato, ranch, tabasco, jam, barbeque sauce, cheese, mayo, pickles, and macaroni and cheese sandwich wins.

I bet you've never heard this from your child.

"Mom, my toe hurts and I think it's a seizure." (Avery)

Monday night, Zachary had another Seizure. And, naturally this became the focus during the next day. Let me say I am thankful that most children will never know enough about seizures to even wonder if that's what ails them. However, in our home the topic of seizures is commonplace. And, Avery is trying in her 4 year old way to understand them. And, I 'm OK with that. It's part of the deal, the hand we have been dealt. Zachary endures them while being strong. I don't like them, they even scare me. But, I think it's important that the girls understand the reality of his seizures. It's worth mentioning that Ellie has been with Zachary for all but 1 of his seizures throughout his life. You may call it a coincidence, but I call it a blessing, one of the many of being a twin.

And, I hope you have the pleasure of hearing this in your home...

After Jeff drove off to work, "That's some great dad we have" (zachary)
Make no bones about it this little boy loves his daddy with all of his heart. Zachary throws us curve balls and challenges us daily but, all the while he showers us with a love that will last a lifetime.


Mama Mia said...

What cute quotes...Zachary's is priceless I can totally picture him looking out the window and saying that! Sorry about Zachary's seisure who ate the sandwich...I bet Jeff got a midnight craving!

Jeanne said...

Honey, What a sweet blog and I can't believe the kids made that fun would that be???? I didn't realize Ellie had been with Zach for every one of his seizures..... they definately have that twin connection and I'm so thankful for that!!! I love them all soooo much! XO, Mom

texasangie said...

The quotes are precious!