Saturday, July 3, 2010

Oh dear.

It was a traumatic morning.  The morning we flew out to Mexico my dad had emergency surgery to place 2 stents in his heart.  We were in the air to Phoniex and my mom was alone with the girls.  I was filled with guilt.  My dad was scared.  My mom watched over 2 sleeping girls.  She was brave but nervous and cold.   I just felt guilty. 

In the end, all was well.   Mom promises the girls were a nice distraction.  Dad loved the homemade "get well"  cards and signs.  As only girls can make.  Ellie and Avee cherished the daily visits to the hospital and time snuggling with papa and gigi. 

 And, I am sure all of them loved the extra hugs and kisses!  Now, I don't feel so guilty.


Jeanne said...

Honey, The girls were just angels and the perfect company and distraction during that scarey time.....I'm sooo glad you and Jeff had such a fun, relaxing time!!! You both deserve it!!! XO, Mom

doug said...

Hello: My name is PAPA to all my grandchildren. I am a lucky guy, not just because I have six grandkids but because I have great kids. My oldest kid is Laurie, you may know her as the author of this blog, I am the one who (because I write a little too much)she says "maybe I should have my own blog . . . "I'm sure she was just kidding . . . kidding is a big thing in our family.

So, with only one daughter, I am partial to her, she seems to have inherited some creative talents in photography and writing of this blog, so the last person I would want to alarm is HER and her great hubby JEFFY, so I was really dreading telling them that I had some chest pain . . .

Both Jeff and LAUR were great, they wrote a long note to MOM and Jeff told me about the great Cardiac group at Skyridge and that I should get over there. What's such a big deal about that? I waited till they left and then went over to the ER where they scheduled me for the Cath Lab where a Cardiologist inserted a couple of stents and now I'm as good as new. Except that picture is not my best. . . . ha ha.

OH, one other thing, now that I'm in Cardiac Rehab three days a week, I am eating right, losing weight and taking real good care of my diabetes.

Besides, me sending up a couple of messages myself, my grandkids said the reason I got well was that they said prayers for me.

I believe that to be true.

petite lama said...

laursie--give big hugs and kisses to both your dad and mom. i'm so glad he is doing better now and tell him we are way overdue for breakie sometime!!!!