Thursday, July 8, 2010

Garage sale

Total sold  $427.00.  Was is worth it?  The jury is still out on that.  However, there is a strong case for it when you involve your children in the entire event.  We watched them clean out their stuff, organize, price, and set up a garage sale.  It's work, I'm not debating that.  But, with it comes with the wonder and high hopes from children that makes it all worthwhile.

Little things I want to remember from the Big sale.

Avery and Ellie counting the money over and over again. 
Zach's funny converstations with the customers which always involved the money  (so emabarrasing)
Ellie and Avery doing dance moves in between the tables. 
Ellies snack sign and fighting over who is in charge.
Ellie thanking each and every customer.
My shock and disbelief that people were really buying this JUNK.
The delight in knowing that we now have a "decluttered" house.


Jeanne said...

Your garage sale looks soooo neat compared to ours..... ours looked like a junk yard sale!!!We didn't make nearly as much money as you did......I think, the next time we have one I'm going to have the grand kiddos run it!!! LUV U, Gigi

doug said...

can't remember exactly the right amount but I think our last garage sale made right around $428 (eight)