Friday, September 5, 2008

Imagine her joy

Avery started preschool today...Imagination Station is the place to be. She is beyond thrilled. She loves school. So much so, that when she was invited to join the smaller but accelerated class we jumped at the chance. She was happy to have more "journal time! This is my child that goes to bed with flash cards in hand. Now, I'm not kidding myself -I know the cards are only a novelty- a chance to feel like the "big kids"...but, hey it's a start. Good practice. I did notice during "Back to School" night that Avery could use more time at home practicing her coloring. Yep, coloring. Her little self portrait was not as carefully detailed as I would of expected. In fact, at first she scribbled the face! What! Very quietly I asked her if she wanted a "do over." Yes, she thought about it, she would like to add a face. Moments later her purple person was very simple and done. She was ready to move on. She would rather be quizzed on her spelling words. Again, just good practice.
Avery and her teacher, Mrs. Laura


Mama Mia said...

DAR...LING! OMH she is too cute! Love the hair love the outfit! Looks like she has been to the salon! Yes she is a cutie patootie and a smarty pants!

Jeanne said...

Avery is such a cutie pie and looks like she ready for another great year at Imagination Station!!! I'm so excited to go to Chi town with her and to the American Doll store and have lunch!!! What could be better then going on a mini vacation with my daughter and grand daughter?? It is the best!!! Love you all and can't wait to see everyone on Wed. XO, Mom

Jen Giorgis said...

Too funny!!! So she's a little more left brained than right brained. There is nothing wrong with that! She's such a sweetie. I miss her in Primary.

doug said...

Dear AVERY: YOU are making your mom and dad so PROUD! You are such a big girl using FLASH CARDS, (wow that is wonderful) and NOW we hear that you are in the ADVANCED PLACEMENT class! My goodness . . . I guess that comes from your mama's side (tee hee to Jeff) LOVE, papa

grandma said...

Avery, You are too cute and you are going to be so pretty, just like your mom. You are getting too grownup, too fast for this grandma. I want to keep you little for a long, long time. I hope you enjoy every minute home with your mom. Soon you too will be in big school doing flash cards all too soon for this grandma. Love, Grandma & Grandpa XOXOXOX

Fujitales said...

She looks so grown up! I love her outfit and matching bow.
I'm still waiting for the picture of Avery and the sunflowers.