Friday, July 13, 2007

What can I say?

We have the greatest friends here in Omaha(& in Boise-shout out to Dax & Breya.) Tonight our good friends Mia Bischoff and Kim Enlow showed up with dinner for our family. What a delicious meal they prepared for us. We indulged on beef spare ribs, pasta salad,
homemade (straight from the oven) rolls, watermelon & Italian ice for dessert. Why are we so lucky, you ask? I don't know, but we sure appreciate them and all they do for us. Ever since Jeff's back went out we have been on the receiving end of so many "serving" hands. Last month, our ward Elders Quorum showed up to lend a hand to Jeff with the basement and worked for several hours. 10 men left their families and projects of their own to come help us with ours. A mere thank you hardly seems to justify. Bruce continues to lend us his tools, time and talent in the efforts of our basement. Both of our dad's have helped so much and we are grateful to them for their willingness and generosity. Friends have given car rides for the kids, mowed the lawn, watered plants , fed our kitty's and watched our children all within the last month. They say "Home is where the heart is" our friends & their tender hearts sure help make Omaha our home. And, I'm off to make 70 popcorn balls for the primary activity tomorrow morning. Goodnight.


Mama Mia said...

I am glad you liked it! You serve everyone too! What goes around comes around! We hope Jeff feels better soon! Let me know if you want to have your kids come play! Seriously! Brighton is dieing to play with some girls!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie, You do have the nicest friends in Omaha! I loved the pictures and I can't wait to see everyone! Love, Mom

Unknown said...

LAUR you and your family are indeed BLESSED. Mom and I are jealous that everyone likes and wants to be around you guys = JUST LIKE US!!! LOVE, dad

Fujitales said...

Thanks for the shout out - we miss you guys and wished we could've caught up to you in Salt Lake... oh well, maybe next year. You know what they say about "the best laid plans..."
Could you send your Elders Quorum over to finish our basement?
Talk to you soon. I promise pictures are coming, I'm just slow!


Gigi said...

Hi Honey, test