Sunday, June 13, 2010


Last month Avery had her receital.  Yes, in the midst of all the "year-end" activites her dance class performed a ballet.  I love her dance studio and this ballet performance was my favorite.  I love the dedication and desire Avery has to learn and perform.
Because we often have to skip her dance class due to conflict with Zach's schedule,  I was afraid she didn't know her rountine all that well.  So, I went to  her class and video taped the dance so she could practice at home.  I love how dillengtly she watched the video and practiced her rountine.   In the end, she knew it like the back of her hand.   She was a star!
Off she goes...walking backstage.  She felt "butterflies" in her tummy but does remarkably well with nerves.
I think I see an actual halo..ha.

I never get tired of seeing this.  These girls walk hand in hand so much it makes my heart happy.


Fujitales said...

Oh I adore these pictures! Avery's costume is darling. I love the effects you added to these pics!

Livi's recital was such a crazy day, I feel like I didn't get great pictures of her in her costume. One of these days I'g going to dress her back up in it and take some better pics.

I wish my kids held hands, the like to pinch better!

Laurie said...

Breya, what do you Livi up in her have at least 3 photos that I remember on your post right now that look great. I call that good, girl.

I love the first pic. Simple effects. I blurred the picture then made the contrast super dark (so the backround is black instead of red) I totally dig the looks of it. I am going to print it and frame it for her room.

The "halo" picture was actually a case of settings gone wrong! But, I love how it turned out anyway. It's kinds cool.

Jeanne said...

Oh! How I loved these pics.......Avery is sooooo precious and you are an amazing photographer!!! I loved the first pic and I can never get enough of Ellie and Avery holding hands!!! That is the way they were at my house for the week.... just angels!!! Love you all, Mom

doug said...


What PRIMA BALLERINA that Avery is.




Samantha Anderson said...

Awe she looks absolutely beautiful. I wish I could have been there to see her.