Saturday, July 11, 2009

Is it just me...

Or has Avery's hair grown a whole heck of a lot in the past year. Healthy girl.


Jeanne said...

Avery's hair grows soooooo fast ......maybe someday she can donate to Locks Of Love!!!!! I can't wait to see the "honey highlights" tonight when you get here!!! XXX, Gigi

Fujitales said...

You put highlights in Avery's hair? Or do you just mean the sun has bleached it out? I think I'm going to go get Liv's hair cut in a short wedge one of these days.

Cute girl.

Laurie said...

No, No, No....please. The sun bleached out her hair into these pretty highlights. Avery calls them "honey" highlights. And, yes. I think you should cut Livi's hair into a short wedge, if she doesn't have a preference. It is my fav haircut for little girls. Avery has had it her whole life....and has begged me for long hair. How can I refuse her now?

fabulous5fentons said...

I was thinking the same thing! Miss you tons - when are you coming home. And I love all the 4th pic's - what a fun party - too bad you had to miss it!!!