Friday, January 2, 2009

"Oh, what fun it is..."

To celebrate the holidays with both my parents and Jeff's. With a crowded and crazy house we were "laughing all the way." We played and ate our way through the entire week.

In our family Christmas Eve is traditionally spent going out to dinner. Since it's my birthday and I refuse to cook, we look to the few open restaurants to gather. This year and several of the past years we have ended up at the "Olive Garden" while it's not a gourmets dream it fits the celebration perfectly.

Speaking of birthdays, I had a wonderful one. I'm thankful to my friends and family for their kindness. Jeff surprised me with a video he made of friends wishing me a "Happy Birthday." The video's introduction was made by the children, and boy oh boy were they cute. Thank you to Jeff for thinking of this fun idea and for putting forth the effort to do it. I love you.

This day is not all about me. Christmas Eve is about traditions. The children open one present from us...always pajamas. Get cozy, comfy and choose one other present from under the tree to open. I love this night. It reminds me of my childhood and brings forth so many memories. Since it's the last night on the advent calender, we read another note to the children (from Jeff and I) and follow it up with the scriptures. After placing a plate of cookies and milk out for Santa we tuck our little ones in bed. This year they quickly fell fast to sleep, while dreaming of the magic yet to come.


Jeanne said...

Honey, we always have so much fun on Christmas Eve celebrating your birthday and going out to seems we talk and laugh so long we always close the restaurant down...the last to leave!!!!! the kids were sure angels this year going right to sleep after openning their p.js!!! I love spending Christmas with you and your beautiful family!!! XO, Mom

Mama Mia said...

Hope you had a great birthday...let's celebrate when I get into town! Think about where you want to go!