Wednesday, January 28, 2009

We are sad to see them leave ...

But we want to wish them well.

Our dear friends, the Enlows are moving home to Dallas. Sun night we gathered together for a party to send them off in style. A party they deserve. We met the Enlow family 2 years ago and instantly became fast friends. We connected. Kimberly is genuine. She inspires me. She shares her sweet spirit and generously gives love and compassion. I am thankful for her example. But as much as I have been touched by their kindness, no one more so than Zachy. Zach has a friend in Cole. Cole shares, teaches, and walks beside Zach with the same love that his parents have undoubtedly taught him to share. We feel blessed to know such caring children who have changed our little boys world. Thank you Cole, Spencer, Luke and Carson for giving so freely your friendship.

These are the kind of friends I wish for everyone.

Sunday night we met at the Keiser's beautiful home for a dessert after dinner. We enjoyed each others company while I walked around and snapped photos of our fun friends. We are determined to keep the "Omaha crew" alive in the minds of Kimberly and Jasen for a long time to come.

Lucky for me ...I love to talk ( oh, really) I plan to spend many afternoons chatting on the phone with my dear friend. Our love to the Enlow family and best wishes with your move.

Kimberly and MiaThe boys: Cole, Spencer and Easton
Jenifer, Kimberly and Rebekah
Shane and KeresaKimberly P. and DaveWendi and Mason Rebekah and Dave The Dudes
The little dudes Saving the best one for last...Zachary and his favorite Kimmie.


Jill said...

ohh, I'm so sad we missed it! Scott's good friend and pastery chef passed away on Sunday. He was in a terrible auto accident last year (was paralyzed).
We will miss the Enlow's too!
Looks like a Fun night.

Jeremy and Neeley said...

I know!!!! I've been thinking about the Enlows all week and all last week and have felt so sad! I am happy as can be for them, but sad for all of us here who need them!!! I was beyond upset that we couldn't come to the "farewell" Sunday. Avery couldn't have picked a worse time to be sick. Turns out she doesn't have a UTI on top of the cold so that's good. I'll be thinking of them on the road today...

Jeanne said...

Oh Honey, I know how much your family is going to miss the Enlow's......they are such amazing family and I love those sweet boys!!! Great pictures!!!! Love Ya, Mom ps. we missed you last night!!!!

Rebekah said...

They will truely be missed by all. I thank God for the time I had to get to know them even if it wasn't very long. Thanks for the farwell and the pictures.

Mama Mia said...

They will be deeply missed! Love these pictures!

texasangie said...

These pictures are beautiful! I was hoping to run into the Enlow's at church today while I was up there for a meeting during their church time, but no such luck! I know you will miss them! Maybe you will have to make a trip to Texas.....

Kimberly and Jason Enlow said...

I wish I didn't cry so easily. Your have a way with words. I have a terrible case of home sickness. I didn't even feel this way when we moved from Texas to Omaha. Friends are the chocolate in my life. I want to see you every day! I changed my plan to unlimited minutes so that I can talk as much as I want to. I am much better on the phone than typing. Please give the kids a big love from us and I'll call you this week. Love you!