Monday, February 14, 2011

sending love

We've been spreading love around here.  I know this is not the most orginal idea but I needed a quick Family Home Evening idea last week and this was the perfect answer.  We each wrote down things on paper hearts that we loved about everyone in the family.  The kids totally loved it. They were very serious and thought about "real" and special things that we loved about each other.  Then, we read them aloud while putting them up on the wall.  Zachary blushed when the girls read their hearts to him.  I loved them all but, I was especially happy with Ellie's heart to me.  "Mom, you are a good cook and a good example to me. "

The heart decor is the only thing hanging on our walls here in the new pad.  I should mention the temporary new pad is getting on my nerves.  It's been to long to think of it as a "vacation rental."  Nor, is there anything "vacation like" here in Sioux Falls.  But, I am trying to be patient, I know the right home will come along in time.  Wish us luck that it's sooner than later, please.


doug said...

Well, I think it's pretty sad that the only time you have to BLOG is at 5am in the morning? Isn't that somewhere in the middle of the night?

But of course I'm always HAPPY to hear your words and for sure YOUR KIDS are the blessings of your's and Jeff's lives LAUR.

AND ALSO, I know you will find the perfect HOME for your family in SIOUX FALLS, home is where the heart is and YOU make yours very special. LOVE, DAD