Thursday, March 4, 2010

snapshot of our day


This is a glimpse of Thursday, March 4th in the Anderson household.

It's cookie time and Avery and I have a lot of delivering to do. If you ordered from us, thank you. You will receive your order soon.

Ellie started her day off with a spot on the "Falcon Frenzy" the school TV station. She and the other girls were asked to do a commercial to announce bracelet sales after school. They all did a great job. Ellie is the only one who smiled during the commercial...maybe a career in journal broadcasting for her.

Finally, some sunshine...Zachary immediately ran outside to play after school.
While many people across the country are seeing signs of spring, here in Omaha we are just happy to actually go outside and play in the snow. Yes, snow. Mountains of it still remain. But, finally warm enough to play!


Jeanne said...

Honey, I love waking up in the morning and reading your wonderful brings sunshine into my life and I'm soooo glad you are getting some sunshine in Omaha too!!! I miss you all and can't wait for the trip to St. Martin and I can spend time with the kids and you and Jeff!!! XXX,Gigi

texasangie said...

I love the snapshot into your day!! Hopefully the sunshine will stick around for you! 60's here all week and we are loving it!

doug said...

All I know is that some really slick sales girl called me one day saying that she was selling cookies and before I knew it I had committed to buying lots and lots . . but I haven't received any COOKIES YET!

Hope Gigi will pay you soon Avery, thanks for doing such a good job!
LOVE, papa

Brezack Family said...

MMMM the boxes of cookies look like a great night in watching House Hunters??? Hope mine come soon:)
Great photo's Great family Great post idea!
Love your blog!

Fujitales said...

Cute post! I'm glad the sunshine is finally there in Omaha. The kids look great, and Gage especially loved the picture of the 'square snow'.