Friday night our ward hosted a talent show for the children. It was a night dedicated to kids and a chance to showcase their unique talents. We watched everything from piano solos to "How to make an egg sandwich" (my personal favorite). I loved it, nothing boasts a child's self esteem more than oodles of adults "ooh-ing and ah-ing over their hard work. At first, my children decided against performing on stage (no surprise there) and instead prepare a display. Ellie made friendship bread, and Avery made a craft. Avery worked on her Chinese lanterns for several days before hand. Ellie made a delicious loaf of bread and gave out copies of the recipe. Cute ideas.

However, when we arrived Zachary was bit by the "stage bug" and decided, spur of the moment that he and Jeff should sing "little parakeet" Wow, no coaxing, pleading, begging...just desire to sing. I wasn't prepared to feel such pride. Overwhelming love for this little brave boy. He got up on stage and sang, sang loud enough for all to hear. He looked to his daddy for constant reassurance but he... performed...on front of his peers. Congrats to the Zee man for a song well sung.

While Zach occasionally throws us a curve ball like singing on stage unprepared...Ellie never does. She is terrified of the stage. She has been since her first (and only) dance recital. I couldn't imagine what it would take to ever convince Elle to freely perform again. I underestimated the power of friendship! A group of her girlfriends quickly concocted a plan to lipsync and dance together for the last number of the night. Viola. The girls shined on stage. Our beloved Ellie had done the impossible. My heart was happy, even bursting at the seams. She conquered her fear and had fun doing it. I admire her will and applaud her efforts. I can learn a lot from that girl.

A memorable night for us.