Monday, August 24, 2009

the beginning and the end

This is the beginning of her elementary school years.

And, the end year of theirs.I have 3 school children now. all 3 at the same school. And, they are excited. Zachary whispered in the car (and I heard) "I am psyched to start school." Ellie didn't let a day go by this past week without mentioning her anticipation and excitement for 5th grade. Avery carried on with non-stop chit chat about Fireridge and being a "real kindergartner."

We have addressed their butterflies, bought the school supplies, chose "the" outfit, met the teachers and received a blessing. They are ready. It's much easier to send your kids out the door knowing they are happy. I am delighted and ready for them to experience new beginnings.

Ellie with her teacher Mrs. Eby Avery with her teacher Mrs. Devoe
Zachary thought it was embarrassing to have his pic taken at school...does this surprise you? His teacher is Mrs. Adamson and I know she will be terrific for him. He also has a new special ed. teacher this year. Big changes for Z.


Jeanne said...

Oh! Laur, I cried just thinking and seeing the sweet pictures you posted of my precious grandchildren!!!!! Thank you!!! Love and kisses, mom

Fujitales said...

Such cute 'first day of school" outfits. Ellie is so trendy with her cute scarf, and Z looks so cool. I love his new glasses.

We've got a count down to our first day of school!

Moose said...

Cute back to school pics! You are getting so great with that camera! Fun to catch up on your blog...I have been out of it for a while!

Moose said...

Now that Bruce shares my computer he is always logged on...sorry that was Mia