Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is the story...

Our life the last few weeks.

Sometimes, a picture says it all...


doug said...

gee another excellent post LAUR, great photos, I didn't know Ellie was a Safety guard nor that she got her ears pierced, Avery graduated top of her class in Kindergarten = of course, what else. Intersting pics of zee at the color testing, and daddy camp out (they really roughed it, within that friend's big camper ha ha PAPA loves you ALL.

Laurie said...

correction: Avery graduated from preschool...please don't age my baby. Ha.

Fujitales said...

What a fun post! I love the words across the pics. I'm glad you were able to got caught up - I'm hoping to get caught up soon too.

Fujitales said...

I love Ellie on Safety Patrol!

Amy said...


I am a fellow blogger who uses the same feed you do on your blog and came across yours. You have some very nice pictures of your kids. What kind of camera do you use?

Just wondering
Amy from Lincoln

Jeanne said...

Hi Honey, Great post......I love the picture of Ell's doing safety guard and Zach at the park and Avie's graduation!!!!!! I just got home from NYC and will call tomorrow!!! XX, Mom

Trinity said...

looks like you guys have been busy! Glad you got a pampering night snuck in there . . . :)